Call for abstracts

Call for Abstracts

We are soliciting abstracts of a maximum length of 500 words with up to 1 image. Please use the “templateCoNBaF24.tex” template for your submission.

 Please indicate if you are interested in submitting a full paper to our journal special edition to be published in PLOS Complex Systems (an open-access journal). In other words, if you wish to be considered for our “full paper submission” category. Alternately, your submission will be considered for the “presentation/poster only” category.

Please note that abstracts accepted in the “full paper submission” category will automatically be awarded a presentation slot. Meanwhile, “presentation/poster only” submissions may be awarded a presentation or poster slot, at the organizing committee’s discretion.

Also note that abstract acceptance under the “full paper submission” category, does not guarantee paper acceptance. It simply signifies that the authors have committed to submitting an article that will undergo the usual peer review process.
For each submission, at least one co-author (the presenting/corresponding author) must be registered before April 30th, 2024.

Submit your paper here

Important dates

Abstract submission: March 15th April 5th (Extended deadline)
Notification: April 5th April 25th

Workshop Dates: June 24th – 27th

Abstract format

Format: 1 page, one figure, optional references. Please use the “templateCoNBaF24.tex” template for your submission.

How to submit

Submit you paper here

